Simple dinner (porridge, celery peanut salad and red bean rice cake)

After been spoiled with food and drink during the vacation, I decided to keep food simple for several days...

Celery peanut salad
My favorite veggie salad, celery and peanut.
1) 250g raw peanut, with 2 cups water, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 2 pc Chinese five-spice. Bright the pressure cooker up to high pressure over high heat, then reduce to mid-heat for 10 minutes. Reduce the pressure (remove the lid), and add salt to adjust the taste. Continue cook over the mid-heat for 15 minutes without the lid. Drain the water. 
2) Put the celery in boiling water for 2 minutes, rinse with cold water. 
3) mix peanut and celery, add sugar, salt and sesame oil to the taste. 

Recipe borrowed from here

用料: 1:糯米粉一包(454克),糖3/4杯,泡打粉(Baking Powder)1茶匙。 
3:鸡蛋两只,玉米油1/4杯,牛奶1又3/4杯,炼乳(Condensed milk)4大匙。

