Chambray shirt & JNBY cropped pants: my experience of Bar Method
J.Crew chambray shirt (here) JNBY cropped pants (shop this brand here) Fendi belt (similar here and here) Chanel flats |
After doing workout with Bar Method for a month, I would like to quickly share my experience with our fabby readers :-). I started my membership with Bar Method after heard many good words from Michelle and another girl friend. The philosophy of Bar Method workout is muscle shaping: fat burning muscle training followed by immediate stretch. It is one hour class which will not make you sweat a lot but will keep your muscles (arm, abs and legs) shaking... The day after my first Bar class, I barely dragged myself out of bed - given the fact that I workout regularly, you can imagine how Bar Method workout is different from swimming and running. Now, I try to workout 5 days per week, including two Bar Method classes, running (5k and up) and swimming (~2k). Since it is warm now, I also try to walk 3 miles several time per week in addition. After one month, I gained 3 lbs but waist size went down -Thank you for your reading...
nice outfit, nice figure.