Fur vest with Sweater dress: Girls day out

Girls day out = shopping + eating + chatting

What else can be better than having a group of girlfriends? Hanging out with them certainly recharged an exhausted and frustrated ME...... These days were extremely stressful and overwhelming (the job, house sale, kid, and my daddy is in hospital - but he is getting better now- I feel so guilty that I could not do anything except talk with him on phone)...... Life is not easy, and friendship is precious.

We are moving to Boston the first week of May!  I will miss my dear friends here! I hope all of us, like we said today, can enjoy the life everyday no matter what happens!



Fur vest: Saks Fifth Avenue fur salon, lamb fur

Sweater dress & Belt: JCrew

Shoes: Chie Mihara optimo pumps

Sunglasses: Pucci

Bracelets: Tiffany

Bag: Balenciaga


  1. I just got a fur vest! It is called raccoon something
    Or another! Such a shame for a name! Oh well still pretty!

  2. Lovely outfit! You will LOVE Boston, I currently reside in the city and it's such a special place. Check out my blog you when get a chance, I sometimes mention about the places that I go there. http://lezoemusings.wordpress.com/

  3. [...] did I buy during the girls day out last weekend? Here it is: a wool black dress (it is on sale in-store).  I also bought a red belt [...]


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